
Name: Matthew Short


PN6728's Recent Comments
August 29, 2012 1:53 pm At home, I seperate one shots and limited series from ongoings, which are stored in short boxes, then arrange alphabetically by company and then title. I have around 15 long boxes and 3 short, so I don't really need anything more complicated than that. When I catalog for the library, I classify everything alphabetically by character (or title, if the character is too obscure), then subdivide one shots and ongoings by creator. The main ongoing (e.g. Avengers) is assigned a base number for the character, with almost identical numbers for each subsequent volume, in order chronologically. If a character has more than one on-going title (e.g. West Coast Avengers), then I add a number for that title to the base. So, for example: PN6728.A9 Avengers (1963-1985) PN6728.A9b Avengers (1985-2004) PN6728.A9 B875 1998 Avengers Forever (creator: Busiek) PN6728.A9 W478 West Coast Avengers I would prefer to seperate the ongoings from everything else, but that isn't easy to do without creating really long, really hideous numbers. Other libraries will also subdivide by company, but, frankly, it's already complicated enough as it is.