
Name: Kristen Nedopak


Nedopak's Recent Comments
December 16, 2011 6:46 pm Thank you for this article from a guy's perspective! From a female producer/creator's perspective (not in the comic world, but geek-genre film/tv), this is definitely a frustrating issue. I understand that men are visual and will always notice how a woman looks. Got it. We can't ever expect to veer away from the "you're hot" comments (the "I want to f*ck you" or "I like her boobs" ones aren't so classy), so most of us suck it up as a "compliment" and tolerate it. More so, the major issue I experience is that some people--men AND women--validate your talents/interests based on how you look. I.e. Hot chicks can't possible be into my favorite fantasy series, or that hot chick's show probably sucks. For those of us who DO create, we work our asses off trying to do what we love. Then to have someone completely judge our work based on what we look like...? Sometimes without even seeing it...? Plus, we aren't made of stone. Those comments do damage no matter who you are. My make friend just told me a story about how people can't take his poetry seriously because he is older and a heavy-set man. ART IS ART. So fans of both sexes: Think twice before you share that thought or comment in a public forum.