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Name: Matthew Moore



Oh man, this book was so much fun! I love the expressiveness of the turtles even in the flashbacks to…

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“Will Static’s debut end before it has even started?” Man I hope this portion of his debut ends soon and…

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Holy Jesus. This is the Superman book that I’ve always wanted since the day I be born. He has weaknesses!…

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MattieMoe's Recent Comments
September 5, 2012 10:21 am I really enjoyed this whole Superman era and even remember having a few of the Reign of the Supermen comics as well as Action Comics Issue 0 and is probably why I still have to pick up Superman from time to time. I had no idea that this was a, basically, one time DC-wide event though. Thanks for the great history lesson Jeff, this gets me excited for what might be happening this month!
May 8, 2012 10:50 am Howard the Duck!?!? As a 4 year old I freakin' loved Howard the Duck!
February 4, 2012 2:24 pm ..... you can however read a book by sunlight .... or candlelight ..... or firelight. Not agreeing with the argument that $3.00 is too much for a digital product (especially one that looks to be this good), because let's face it, if there is a point in time where we can't get electricity to power all those devices of technology we are so dependent on, likely those 3 dollar bills are going to be completely worthless as well.
November 3, 2011 12:00 pm Props to Defensor for bringing protection. No shield, no sword fight.
October 14, 2011 11:26 am I'm going to have to go back and read this a second time after reading a lot of your comments. I thought the art was terrible, not so much in general, more when it switched to a completely different style that did not fit this book. I liked the idea behind the story but not the final execution. Plus, I felt there was no reason for a member of the team to die the way they did and didn't know anything about the character so I wasn't sure why I would care that they were no longer around. They killed someone because they thought they had to, like everyone is going to drop the book if nobody dies by the end of issue #2. Hopefully it's a fun enough story to keep us coming back even if the bodies don't pile to the ceiling. We'll see things change on the second read.
September 8, 2011 8:31 am Whoops, first review and I knew I'd make a mistake. Story: 3 Art: 4