
Name: Mad Hank


MadHank's Recent Comments
June 30, 2008 11:55 pm

I'm so excited for all of you out there who will get to read this for the first time, you lucky bastards. I'm probably on my 20th re-read of each book, easily. 

I have given this book to the widest range of people, my mom, my cousins, almost all of my non-comic-reading co-workers, and it is universally beloved. So hilarious and quotable... THEY GOT A GIRL DRUMMER?? I HATE HER SO MUCH. For a fun time, you can also check out Scott Pilgrim author Bryan Lee O'Malley's website/livejournal/flickr/thingemie...

I must admit, I have faith in the movie, seeing as how Michael Cera is in fact Canadian!! Just like Scott! He's just a bit on the young side, but that's good for sequels, right? And Edgar Wright is just about the smartest, funniest person in show business right now, even without this great source material. C'mon!! I just hope that it's set in Toronto like it is in the book, instead of transplanting the movie into middle america somewheres...