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Name: law c


JuLaCoo's Recent Comments
September 27, 2012 3:31 am Uh...The guided view in digital comics is what caught my eye in the first place. I wasn't spending a dime on any type of comic, but guided few caught my eye, and then I started wanting my own copies of comics. I was a newby who got sucked in by the digital world, realized I'm just giving my money away for no ownership what so ever(and paying way too much for it). Within a couple months I was in the comic stores weekly getting my hands on a real copy, that i could give away, resale, trade. That's how the cheaper digital comics are going to improve the lives of the creators. Once the digital price drops, new viewers(some will love guided view, and only buy for guided view in the beginning) will buy a digital copy, get sucked in to a story and want a physical copy. It's going to bring more people into the stores. I may not have written this eloquently, but I know what I'm talking about, it's what I do.