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Name: Andrew Marinkovich


Hugomarink's Recent Comments
January 5, 2012 4:56 pm Regarding digital comics, I should point out that the BN NOOK has a very limited selection of digital comics available and is not a good option for those wanting to read comics digitally. NOOK does not have the Comixology app, which does come pre-loaded on the Kindle Fire from Amazon, nor does NOOK have any DC Comics because (apparently) DC went exclusive with Amazon. This is a HUGE shortcoming for the NOOK and until they can offer DC Comics and Comixology the NOOK cannot be recommended for comics readers. And, no, I am not an Kindle Fire user. I wish I was. I have a NOOK Color, which is very nice tablet in many respects but I'm really disappointed in the lack of digital comics available for it.
October 19, 2011 8:20 pm This was the only New 52 issue that was sold out at my local comic shop today.
October 18, 2011 4:35 pm Add me to the list of those who were pretty severely disappointed in the opening episode of Season Two. Here is a list of my quibbles: 1. They arrive at the roadblock, which is obviously a potentially hazardous situation, and yet they wander off into the mass of cars, largely unarmed, WITH THE KIDS IN TOW, looking for supplies. Seriously? You're going to take your kid out with you in that situation, where there are corpses in the cars and who knows what else lurking about? I really don't want to see the characters being dumb asses in order to create dramatic tension. And it's really hard to be sympathetic with dumb characters. 2. The characters are unlikable. Other than Darryl and maybe Shane, I can't really find myself rooting for any of these folks. I still think that Andrew Lincoln is bad basting for Rick Grimes. There is just no resemblance to the Rick Grimes in the comic book. I know, I should not be such a fanboy about that, but I'm really not seeing the Rick Grimes in the comic coming through with the character in the show. I want to pull for him but he's not acting like the leader that Rick is in the comic series. Oh, and the actor playing Carl is proving to be a really annoying child actor. Bummer. 3. When Rick is saving the little girl from the the zombie he says he can't use his gun because it'll attract other walkers, but then he proceeds to yell and scream at the zombie to attract its attention. Huh? And why does he tell her to run back to the highway by herself? Why not wait for him where she was hiding? 4. Rick and Darryl cut open a zombie to see if it's dined on the missing girl. Sure, it makes for a nice squirm-inducing gross-out scene, but is that the plan? To eviscerate every zombie you come across in the area? Yeah, right. 5. Shane declines Andrea's request to leave the group with him and actually gets pissed at her? I can't imagine many guys would be turning that down (she's the hottest chick on the show). 6. Why do Shane and Rick sit there and watch the annoying Carl creep up on the deer at the end of the episode? Don't they know a deer could inflict some pretty serious damage if it's startled? I was cringing during this scene, wondering what the hell they were doing. Ugh. I was expecting so much more from this show! I thought Season One was a great start, but it's seemingly taken a huge step back with the advent of Season Two. Let's hope to see some rapid improvement in the writing and character development from here on out. I will continue to watch but really don't know how long I can stick with it if I'm repeatedly rolling my eyes in frustration at the character's actions (as I was through Episode One).
October 13, 2011 6:55 pm I know most seem very enthusiastic about this book. I really wanted to like it (I have always liked Etrigan), but after reading issue #1 twice and just finishing issue #2 yesterday, I can safely say I have no idea what the hell is going on in this book. I can't tell the characters apart and have lost complete track of any story arc that is going on. I mean, I kinda get it, but the main point is it's not grabbing me at all. Regrettably, I'm dropping this one. Too many other New 52 books that are working for me to keep one that isn't.