
Name: Cody Anderson


Genmasho's Recent Comments
February 8, 2012 1:08 am In regards to the second Tom's email I do not know a lot of American Comics about sports but I do know there are tons of Japanese Manga's about the subject. Some can be a bit more realistic while others have more "flare" to them with special moves and what not. I know some manga has be licensed to be sold in America so if you can find them, check them out. If they have not been licensed for some reason if you look around online you can find fan translations online to read. Cross Game: Baseball One Outs: Baseball Eyeshield 21: American Football Giant Killing: Soccer (Football if your international) Area no Kishi: Soccer (Football if your international) Hajime No Ippo: Boxxing Prince Of Tennis: Tennis Slam Dunk: Basketball
December 7, 2011 4:06 am My thoughts exactly. Also the possibility of a Hulk vs Colossus with the power of Juggernaut.... unstoppable force meets unmovable object, that is a fight I have been wanting to see for a LOOOONG time.
December 13, 2010 4:06 pm Call me OCD if you want but there was an extra person at the funeral,
you had Stargirl up front holding the helmet and the mace, then as pallbearers there was Lois and Black Canary followed by Clark and Ollie, and then Aquaman and an Unknown person at the back of the coffin with Impulse and Cyborg behind. Who was the unknown person? Does anyone have any ideas?  
October 1, 2010 9:17 pm

the way it seemed in the preview, it looks like darkseid is going to be the villain for the series finale. 

March 23, 2009 1:47 am in regards to the E-mail from Josh you specificly talked about not getting final crisis #7 seeing as that came out in the last week of Jan. first week of Feb. so it has been almost 2 months since you picked up from the store so losing out on an issues or 2 is not their fault they do need to make money when they can especially with the economy and all that.
March 20, 2009 2:03 am this actually happened to me recently, one of my friends wanted to get into comics and wanted my suggestion, i asked him he wanted to read DC or Marvel and he wanted marvel, so i told him if he didnt want to have to really know the back history to anything and still get a lot out of the book i suggested The Ultimates or my personal favorite Age of Apocalypse, he chose AoA, and he loved it and then went and got all The Ultimates and he loved that too.
January 23, 2009 9:18 am

i have only read the first half of this comic, and i have no reason to read the second half. the reason why is because of 3 things, 1 im in the navy, 2 i was born and raised in Pasadena Tx and 3 im currently serving over seas. the first half of this book hit home on so many levels i think its the first time ive almost been brought to tears by a comic. it is a phenominal read.