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Name: Doctor Wally


DrWally's Recent Comments
July 6, 2008 12:34 pm Despite being a huge Golden Age, Timely, old time Invaders and MA and NA fan, I gave this a Three. Wow, really mediocre, I think I am being generous. If I weren't such a GA fan, I would drop this book as of this issue. Also, if a story is going to have so little happen in it, it seems pretty dumb to not even have good fight sequences, including skipping over them (like Bucky taking down Cap's guards). They just jump over stuff, skipping it. Somebody needs to sit Ross and Krueger down and say, "Hey, just because these are iconic classics, does not mean you can phone it in." Or maybe nobody is in a position to tell Ross and Krueger that, and that's the problem, or Marvel and Dynamite is figuring either just the Ross + Krueger name, or the Invaders + Avengers name alone will sell it, story not included. The art (inside the book) is a good example of lots of technique and no style. The mediocrity of this book is disappointing me, truly. I would have been happier with a shorter  series that was all fight and no story, rather than this thing posing as a story. 3 stars? I am being generous, but Ross and Krueger and Marvel are just hooking me in as a Golden Age fan, and I just do not like it as they skate their way through this book. Or are they just being over indulgent with themselves, and that's why? If this does not get better next month, I'm downgrading my rating next month. This is the third issue, it should be somewhere by now, and it is no where.
July 5, 2008 11:48 am Oh crap, I made a mistake my first time to review a book. My Rating should be a 4 STAR rating (I made a mistake)- not as good as its been, story stalled a bit, but still as good as there is. Great stuff.
July 5, 2008 3:44 am

As ever, a lovely interview and lots of fun.

 Cornell's episode "Father's Day" really is a great Dr. Who Episode from season 1 (2005); He also did another Dr. Who favorite of mine in Season 3 (2007) - the two parter "Human Nature" (part 1) and "Family of Blood" (Part 2) in which the Doctor gives himself amnesia to hide from some aliens in 1914 with his companion the only one who knows who he is. All of which won Hugo Awards. 

 If you want to check out Doctor Who, but feel intimidated by the continuity, just start with the new series that Russell T Davies restarted in 2005 starring Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper. The intent was always to make it accessible to new viewers and old viewers alike, including a reintroduction (and wonderful rediscovery) as to why the police box is bigger on the inside than the outside. Watching the "making of" episodes they do (Doctor Who Confidential), you can see the whole cast and crew brings the same sense and love of the material as Paul Cornell does to his own work. Each season (4 so far) are about 12-13 40 minute episodes. The function of the companions who ride along with the Doctor are a lot like Neo to Morpheus in the first Matrix movie as a way to deal with explaining things - The Doctor says something strange, his companion (some normal earth person who rides along on his travels through time and space) says "Huh?" the Doctor explains a bit, then says, "Run!" and off they go running down a corridor as the aliens attack. Wonderful. Lots of running down corridors, explaining as they go, action packed, very British. Casting of Doctor and companions in the show's relaunch has been younger, sexier and cooler to appeal to a modern audience. If you like Captain Britain and Mi13, you'll probably love Doctor Who.

Again, lovely interview. You guys do really great interviews! Hope to hear even more in the future!