Support iFanboy

Every week, iFanboy delivers the best in comic books review and discussion audio entertainment, for free.  But there are still costs to make that happen, like maintaining the server to keep the website up and all of the old content accessible, hosting for the podcasts, and equipments costs and that’s where we need your help.

There are three ways to help support iFanboy

patreon_logoBecome a Patron

By becoming a supporting patron of iFanboy, you help us keep the lights on at iFanboy on a recurring basis.  Plus, now that we’re on Patreon, not only is it easier for you to manage you patronship, but there’s something in it for you! Not only do you get a nifty reward when you become a patron, but we’ve set up a series of goals. Want more Talksplodes? Want T-Shirts? Want another BBQ Show? Become a patron and help the iFanbase get what they want!

Sign up today with iFanboy on Patreon!

Are you a current iFanboy member via Paypal? If so, we ask that move your support from Paypal to Patreon (it’s easier for all of us). You’ll need to cancel your recurring membership on your account with Paypal. If you have any issues with this, email us at and we’ll help you through the transition.


If you don’t want to become a patron, but still would like to help the iFanboy cause, then you can make a one time donation in the amount of your choosing to iFanboy via PayPal by clicking the Donate button below:


Shop at Amazon

Amazon is a great place to get your comic books in all shapes and sizes from paperbacks, to hard covers, to omnibus editions.  It’s also a great place to get video games, music, electronics and even clothes! By clicking the below link to Amazon before you begin your shopping, you’ll be helping iFanboy out (because we get a small cut of the sale.)  It’s simple and easy.  Just click here or save the below link to your browser’s bookmarks and use that every time you need to shop at iFanboy