Review by: blkassassin106

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Story by Christos Gage
Art by David Baldeon & Jordi Tarragona
Colors by Brian Reber
Letters by Cory Petit
Cover by Mark Brooks

Size: 0 pages
Price: 2.99

David Baldeon can’t draw women very well up close. When up close the character in this book looked manish. There are a lot of monsters in this that he draws very well. This issue Rrogue sees that Magik’s prison from Limbo is a horrible and terrifying place that no one should be put in. While reading this there was something that didn’t make sense to me. We see Spider-Woman, Hawkeye, and Luke Cage. These are the three Avengers that attempted to escape from the X-Men’s captivity in the last issue of New Avengers. I did think that may we the Avengers are being teleported from the prison in Utopia to Limbo, but when Rogue and Magik’s are talking Rogue says that they don’t know where Magik is putting the Avengers and the other X-Men would be disgusted if they did. There is a fighting scene between Rogue and a demon that I enjoyed. Theyre fighting inside Rogue’s mind and as the monster is winning the formerly all white panel starts being filled by blackness. I thought that was cool. Thee story was kinda boring to me. Though there’s some stuff going on, not much happens, but the cliffhanger did peak my interest.

Story: 2 - Average
Art: 3 - Good


  1. Loved X-Men Legacy #270. I hope this is the final, decisive resolution between Rogue and Carol and they become friends. It was a great issue, between Ms. Marvel’s ghosts of christmas past, to Rogue’s realization, Christos Gage just scored a goooooal!

    Please check my mini-review here:


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