Review by: Invasionforce

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Story by Ed Brubaker
Art by Michael Lark, Brian Thies, & Stefano Gaudiano
Colors by Bettie Breitweiser
Letters by Joe Caramagna
Cover by Steve Epting

Size: 0 pages
Price: 2.99

I’m not sure how Ed Brubaker will be spending his time after he leaves Marvel. (You would think he would be hired as a consultant, if not writer, for the next Captain America movie.) I suspect he will be doing things that he expects to be more lucrative than writing comics. I hope some very talented up-and-coming writers can fill the void left by Brubaker, otherwise, fans will miss him dearly. This comic is classic Brubaker, the writer who has been profoundly influenced by Hollywood spy stories, including the Bourne movies and James Bond. This story even shows the unlikely influence of the film “Black Swan.” The plot seems to end predictably and somewhat tritely, but Brubaker has a trick or two up his sleeve to show us that the resolution will not be quite that easy.
In the world of comics, the artists are the actors. Artists have to read the script, and (among other things) do the job of the actors in a screen or stage play. Penciler Michael Lark performs all of the roles in this comic admirably. His leading characters are sexy, and employ the facial expressions and gestures of talented actors.

Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 4 - Very Good


  1. I love the super-spy elements to this book, too. What’s funny is that the storyline is fairly predicable, as it hits all the familiar tropes, but the art and writing are so good that it doesn’t feel by the numbers at all, rather still fresh and high-stakes. For example, the twist at the end comes as a surprise when it probably “shouldn’t” since we all know how this kind of story plays out. The villain is even kind of tropey, being a dark reflection of Winter Soldier, but it works because he needs such a counterpoint as he doesn’t have a rogues galleray of his own.

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