Review by: Fugmo

Size: pages
Price: 2.99

   My favourite kind of stories generally tend to be those where the protagonist is faced with a rather nasty ethical dilemma (or several).For me it leads to intriguing drama when done right……it is the reason I came out of the Dark Knight film in total awe compared to leaving Batman Begins just feeling entertained. I guess it works by drawing the consumer into a story when they can’t help but ask themselves “zomg,what would I do?” (ok,maybe not everyone else thinks in lolspeak). It has a lot to do with why I enjoy Unknown Soldier so much.

    At first I was a bit “meh” with this series.I liked the research that had gone into it, it has certainly taught me a lot more about Uganda than I knew before.That alone wouldn’t have been enough to make me stick with it though. If I felt like real life issues were being used to guilt me into buying something I’d drop it like it was hot.It helps that that totally isn’t Dysarts intention.

  What made me stick around was that by the second or third issue the dilemmas started to creep in and I got hooked.And there have been some doozys.Could you shoot a kid if you had to? What if other innocent kids would suffer if you didn’t? They are tough questions and its not pleasant to think about.Being comfortable isn’t the point though and I value it when someone can get me thinking about something important without feeling like I’m being manipulated emotionally.I don’t always feel like being challenged but more often than not I’m ready for an ethical throwdown.Bring it on!

   That said, issue 7 is a bit of a breather after the first arc.OK, there could possibly still be a dilemma or two but it isn’t Moses on the pointy end of them for once.Mostly Dysart is giving us an idea of differences between the north and south of Uganda.He does a good job of it,too.I could almost draw a metaphor between the southern Ugandans being the average reader,but I won’t.In any case there is a teaser at the end of this issue for issue 8 and phwoar,it doesn’t look like the fun will stop anytime soon.

Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 3 - Good

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