Review by: akamuu

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Avg Rating: 3.8
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WRITER: Matt Fraction
PENCILS: Terry Dodson
INKS: Rachel Dodson
COLORED BY: Justin Ponsor
LETTERED BY: VC - Joe Caramagna
COVER BY: Adi Granov

Size: 32 pages
Price: 2.99

Uncanny, the flagship X-book, continues to be the weak link in the crossover.  It takes some work to make Thing saying “It’s clobberin’ time” feel out of place, but somehow Fraction pulls it off.  I still don’t think he has any idea how to write these characters.

Dodson’s art isn’t even consistent in its badness.  It’s like two or three different bad artists got together.  Thor looks positively awful, and I don’t understand why Dodson has chosen to line his characters’ faces with red ink instead of black.

The “reveal” from the future is a direct rip off of the *****unspoiled*****, which is already a huge cliche in comics.  I can not wait for these two creators to be taken off this title.

Story: 2 - Average
Art: 1 - Poor


  1. Wow really? I actually thought this was one of Fractions stronger efforts on this book (love about all his Iron Man stuff) and I really enjoyed it.  I’m with you on the artwork though.

  2. You’re fucking generous with the 2 for story.

  3. Fraction did not write this book well, but at least he told a story. This book had a set up, conflict, some twists, climax, and conclusion. Of course I think the ending could have been much better. So I would not say akamuu is “fucking generous” for giving Uncanny a two out of five. Fraction did put some effort but lagged most of the way.

  4. For the life of me, I can’t figure out why Fraction is misfiring so bad on this book.  You need only to look at his run on Invincible Iron-Man to see that he’s capable of some stellar arcs.

  5. Fraction writes great books where he has one central character to play through, and doesn’t need to go into much detail with his supporting cast. He does great on Iron Man, because it plays to that strength. Likewise his own project Casanova. He even got away it on The Order.

    But Uncanny is a problem. He uses Cyclops as his focus character, which does make sense. But this is a team book. And he does not write balanced team stories easily or well. Aside from Cyclops, and by extension Emma, the rest of the cast only ever appear as cameos. They often have very little to do other than throw a few punches/blasts and say something ‘funny’.

    That’s as far as characterisation goes. It’s why I’m getting more than a little bit tired with his run.

  6. Here, here.

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