Review by: TheNextChampion

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Story by Jeff Parker
Art by Kev Walker & Jason Gorder
Colors by Frank Martin
Letters by Albert Deschesne
Cover by Stephanie Hans & Gerald Parel

Size: pages
Price: 2.99

Every month this series proves to me, and to everyone else really, that this is the best team book Marvel is publishing right now. Jeff Parker knows how to write these characters and you got a great rotation of artists every time an issue comes out. However, even when an issue is brilliant month in and month out, sometimes that can be a bit of a negative. As this issue points out…

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this issue in a technical sense. The art in this is down right beautiful to look at. Parker throws Walker a bunch of mystical monsters for Cage to punch at. I mean that rock creature Cage fights at really is a sight to behold. Kinda reminds me of a Colossi from ‘Shadow of the Colossus’. Other things like showing the snowy landscapes and forests the character run around in are really good looking. Also, I like the sense of scale that Walker brings to every issue. It’s not like the team fighting the Kaiju monsters, but some things do really dwarf the heroes and it’s handled well. Finally, a shout out to Frank Martin because his coloring really brings out Walkers (and Shalvey’s) pencils every issue.

Again, nothing is wrong about this issue in a technical sense. The story with Cage and Dr. Strange trying to find Satanna is a good yarn. Lots of action peices but there’s an intriguing mystery going back on at the prison that isn’t revealed to the very end. Again, not bad but: I found myself feeling just a little bored by it. I’m not sure why to be honest, cause nothing is wrong with it. Maybe it’s just that the fantastic art is somehow overtaking the story Parker is trying to tell. I find myself caring less about the new team forming at the prison when Walker is giving us a giant fireball with a face on it. I noticed this last issue where I cared more about the art then the somewhat bland story Parker gave us for Man-Thing.

I’m using words like ‘boring’ or ‘bland’ with the story, but it’s not as harsh as you think it is. I just think that each issue has so consistantly good that it really is going to take a hell of a story to make it more exciting. Nothing is wrong with the two plots presented here, but at the end of the day it’s not as exciting as the previous storylines Parker was dishing out. The art though by Kev Walker is gorgeous as always and he is definitely one of the best talents Marvel has right now. Even with the story lagging a bit for me, it’s certainly better then all of the other team books that are out there right now. Cause those books my friends are shit.

Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 5 - Excellent

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