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Story by Mike Johnson & Roberto Orci
Art by David Messina & Marina Castelvetro
Colors by Claudia Scarletgothica
Letters by Chris Mowry
Cover by David Messina & Claudia Scarletgothica

Size: 0 pages
Price: 3.99

Well…that taught us nothing. John Harrison’s still John Harrison and the little ship in the trailer’s from Mudd.

But as a story it was pretty solid and it would have made for a decent episode of the original series.

The art leaves a lot to be desired though, stuff like depth and emotion, but I know that likenesses can be hard to work with.

Do we even really need to read this before the movie? Probably not. This book is definitely only for the die hards like me.

Story: 3 - Good
Art: 2 - Average


  1. Yeah, I picked up the first issue expecting some hints about the upcoming film. I flipped through this issue in the store, and was like, “that’s a bunch of bullshit.” On the plus side; JJ is doing a hell of a job keeping the plot spoiler-free. That has me pretty happy. 🙂

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