Review by: JimmyF1982

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Avg Rating: 4.3
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WRITER: Ed Brubaker
PENCILS: Mike Deodato
COVER BY: Marko Djurdjevic

Size: 32 pages
Price: 3.99

I almost skipped this. Almost. But I thought hell I’ll give issue #1 a shot. Damn glad I did. Very fun romp with a team filled with members that have no business being together in the first place. Brubaker seemed to have a good grasp on who to pair up to get some good banter going, and while it may seem strange for certain characters to be on the team, Bru showed that everyone served a purpose, they aren’t on the team just for the “odd-ball team” factor. Very cool last page reveal, except the continuity nerd alarm in the back of my head is ringing softly.

Took me a while to get into Deodato’s art and I finally got to the point where I enjoyed it with Dark Avengers. This is a good fit for the “moodiness” of his art however he definitely has trouble with faces at times, and for whatever reason, whenever Steve Rogers is standing around, he’s standing with his legs spread out wide as if he needs to prove his manliness or leadership, through body language, to everyone.

Bring On Issue #2

Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 3 - Good


  1. Ant Man working with Moon Knight was great, totally agree with the Bru’s grasp on the pairings of the characters

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