Review by: akamuu

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Avg Rating: 4.0
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Story by Kurtis J. Wiebe
Art by Tyler Jenkins

Size: 0 pages
Price: 3.50

When I was in high school, we did a series of one act plays written and/or directed by students every year. And every year, the worst students would come up with the idea of presenting scenes from a familiar play from a fairy tale to Shakespeare, but set it during Nazi Germany.

Perhaps I went to school with Kurtis Weibe.

A lazy concept with poor dialog and not a single original idea. Even the art is lazy, with every character having exactly the same face.

Story: 1 - Poor
Art: 2 - Average


  1. You forgot to compare the writer to Hitler and accuse him of killing puppies.

    You are entitled to your opinion and so am I…this was a tacky review.

    • You’re entitled to find the review tacky. I think the comic is utter crap. I didn’t compare the author to Hitler because that would be as trite as setting a comic in Nazi era Germany. Also, I don’t know the writer, he might be a very nice guy with many brilliant ideas. Peter Panzerfaust, however, isn’t one of them.

    • Yeah, I agree with Akamuu. The Nazi thing is overused. Comparisons like that should be used sparingly because they should really MEAN something. Instead we just have this irreverent kaleidoscopic parade of “Nazis + [blank]” all the time. Nazis + zombies. Or Nazis + Norse gods. Or Nazis + Peter Pan. You have to do something really special and new to overcome the overuse of “Nazis + [blank]” at this point, and Peter Panzerfaust, though an otherwise decent comic, does not cut it.

      Saying akamuu was on the verge of comparing the author to Hitler completely misses the point. The point IS that those sorts of Nazi comparisons are overused!

    • @flapjaxx: While I was dividing up the books last week, I heard my coworker loudly groan and put his head down on the counter.

      I asked “What’s wrong?”

      And he replied with “I didn’t think Marvel Zombies could get any worse.”

      “What’s the next story arc?” I asked. “Nazi zombies?”

      He nodded and said “Starring Howard The Duck.”

      I mostly love comics that are full of fresh ideas and twists I couldn’t possibly expect, but there are times when I love how easy it is to predict when something is going to go horribly awry. A nazi zombie book is near the top of the list of books I’m glad I will never ever have to read.

    • You know, we’ve never actually, in ANY of our solicitations or promotional material ever said “PETER PAN VS. NAZI’S”. That’s something that the press has latched onto. In actuality, I’ve always thought of it as Peter Pan meets Band of Brothers.

      Either way, it’s great you at least tried the first two issues before making a final judgement. I think that shows a real support for indie comics and we need more people willing to do that.

      Still, it’s too bad you didn’t like it, at least you got Saga and a bunch of other great indie titles coming out this week to enjoy. Happy reading!

    • @Kurtisjwiebe: Those Bastards At Diamond shorted us all our copies of Saga this week, so I missed out on that tonight. I did get a chance to check out Thief Of Thieves, finally (TB@D shorted us issue one when it came out.), and a few other indies.

      For me, this was one of the most divisive weeks of comics I’ve had in a while.

      Thanks for being so reasonable and well spoken about the review. And, for what it’s worth, I love Green Wake.

    • Haha, you and about ten other people loved Green Wake. Well, our sales weren’t THAT low, I suppose. I have a new series with Riley Rossmo in July called Debris and another one in May called Grim Leaper. They might be more up your alley.

      I’ll wear my crash and burn helmet for your next review. 😉

    • Both of those concepts intrigue me, but as long as there no nazis or zombies involved, you’re liable to get at least a two. 😉

    • I read the comic and found it creative and interesting. I liked the plan off attack on the Nazi’s and found it complex and well orchistrated. I found that the author was also not afraid to introduce killing to Peters neophyte friends. I caught the pixie dust scene as well, which I take as a presage to Tink’s introduction? Good clif hanger at the end as well.
      One aspect that I have found could use some improvement would be that I was finding myself having to read more closely to discern the characters that look alike. I liked the nice splash page of the battle. Tyler’s art is reminiscent of the guy who drew Twenty Seven.

      With the demise of Cowboy, Ninja, Viking, our friend Akamuu could fill the void with a creator owned comic of his own: “Writer, Critic, Thespian.” He has taught us something: Unless we occasion to actively participate in reviews, we run the risk of good books being trashed and derailed by those with serious inferiority complexes, hang-ups, and way too much time on their hands, which is typical of his pretentious ilk.

    • @skydog: I’ve been away for a while, so I don’t know if you’re a troll or just strongly misguided, but people have differing opinions. It’s great that you like this book. Some people love Hawk & Dove. I’m sure a couple of people hate Saga.

      I’d love to see your reviews of books to see if some of our opinions overlap, but I don’t see any. Perhaps you do not have enough time on your hands. I’ll let you borrow some, if you’d like.

  2. Wow…harsh

  3. hahaha

    I was actually interested in this comic knowing I wouldn’t get a chance to read it until a collected edition. Will have to see how audience opinions are as the comic progresses.

    This review does not have me leaning towards buying a trade.

    • I think we had ten people subscribe to the first issue. Unfortunately Those Bastards At Diamond (which I can’t trademark because that’s what everyone calls them) didn’t send us any. (This week they failed to send us Saga, which may necessitate me dropping buy the distribution center with a particularly heavy crowbar. Because, you know, maybe our copies of Saga are trapped under some heavy metal crates.)

      We’re already down to four subscribers, none of whom have actually read the first issue yet. I’m sure a couple people will like it. Tastes certainly run the spectrum, but I was so annoyed by this comic that I flipped through my stack to get to Wolverine & The X-Men to put myself in a better mood.

  4. Perhaps attending a Nazi obsessed school has jaded your opinion? Not being subjected to your brand of high school torment, I find the series engaging and a fresh take on an old tale.

    • I don’t know if my school was Nazi obsessed. We just did a lot of performance art, and, when you’re in high school, you often try and think of creative ways to spin a familiar play concept. For example, performing Romeo & Juliet where all of The Montagues are played by Black actors, and all The Capulets were played by White actors. It seems like a cool concept when you’re fifteen, but it’s hardly groundbreaking. The concept of this comic didn’t feel groundbreaking (which is fine, not everything can be) which dropped it to a three or so for me, but the panel to panel dialog and plotting didn’t work for me either, hence the one.

  5. This was a really bad review. Journalism at its laziest.

    • I rate this review a 1/5 story and 1/5 art.

    • Again seeing this review kinda irks me because this is actually a decent book. You can tell the book wasn’t thrown together, unlike the reviewer who tossed together this critique in 30 seconds. What upsets me the most is his lazy journalism could actually directly contribute to someone not picking this up. I wouldn’t have a problem with him not liking the book and writing a review, but give us real insight into the book itself.

      I will admit that at first I wasn’t sold on the concept of Peter Panzerfaust, but after reading it I really enjoyed issue #1 and even picked up issue #2. It’s definitely a unique idea and I’m interested to see how long they can sustain me as a reader, but this is also a prime example of what makes Image so great. Image is taking a chance on fresh ideas and striving to constantly be innovative. Then on the other side of the coin you have Marvel who looks at sales charts to dictate what they do with their books. I mean really our industry is in serious trouble when a company openly talks about killing a new character every quarter to boost sales. Maybe that’s why I no longer buy any books from Marvel and haven’t for over a year now.

    • @Scarface: This isn’t journalism. I’m not a journalist, and don’t pretend to be. If you want my views on American Journalism, read Jonathan Hickman’s “Nightly News”. I’m a comic reader, as well as a writer (though not of comics). I write reviews based on my opinion of the very subjective thing called art.

      Were I a journalist, I’d probably have to answer to a company with some investment in the industry, and write almost exclusively about comics that I enjoy. And, while I enjoy many comics (why else would I invest time reading them), I don’t enjoy all of them. I, clearly, didn’t enjoy this one. I think the art detracts from a story that I didn’t enjoy to begin with. I think the premise of taking anyone else’s story, be it Peter Pan, Pride and Prejudice, or Yo Gabba Gabba, and changing the setting to Europe during World War Two is dangerous. If it’s not done exactly right, it’s going to come off as tacky. The first two issues of this comic didn’t pull it off for me, hence the, yes, harsh review.

      If you scroll up, you will see that the the writer, Kurtis Wiebe, and I had a brief back and forth about the review. All friendly, because he’s a classy guy. You might also note that I mention how much I enjoy his other work. I didn’t write that to make him feel better about my review, I wrote it because it’s how I feel. Were I doing reviews when I was reading Green Wake, I would have given most of the issues fours and fives on writing and on art. I gave this issue a one and a two because that’s how I felt about it. It’s art, it’s subjective. I also try not to write spoilers in my reviews because I post them Tuesday nights, before most people have had a chance to read them. Hence the lack of insight as to why I didn’t write it. I mean, apart from me spelling out exactly why I didn’t like it.

      You trying to simplify my review by replying with “Creator Owned good, Marvel/DC bad” is far more dangerous to the comic book industry than me saying “Hey, I didn’t enjoy this issue, and here’s why:” The truth is, while there is a lot of absolute garbage by Marvel and DC, there’s also a lot of absolute garbage from the smaller companies (see: 90% of what Dynamite puts out), and there’s some really creative well written work that sneaks through the editorial at Marvel and DC.

      I am curious, though, where did you get your information about Marvel “openly talk(ing) about killing a character every quarter to boost sales”. I was out of the industry for about year and a half, and must have missed that.

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