Review by: OliverTwist

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Story by Nick Spencer
Art by Joe Eisma
Cover by Rodin Esquejo

Size: pages
Price: 2.99

The latest issue of Morning Glories story continues to deliver with suspense, although we are still in the early stages of learning about these characters histories. Nick continues to deliver a page turning comic because his characters are compelling and the mystery about the school the students attend, although in this issue you kind of figure out the end before you even get to the end of the book. The one draw back is as we are seeing a progression of the main characters, I start to wonder about the other students in the school, because of the pacing within the comic.
There is a sense of dramatic impact being lost in this title by the lack of draftsmanship/staging and design in the comic. I have not been as harsh on artist in the past, but many stories are not delivering upon their impact as a result of either the writing or the art. I know comics are being called more of a writers medium, but these things are not short stories or novels in words, but the combination of art and words, and a comic should deliver just that. For example the panel layout for the knocking at the door was confusing, I kept asking if he knocked each time and a girl left or did he continue to knock until all three left. The panel of a low shot of the court room exit among the reporters has a large number problems in perspective, layout and story telling. These type of errors run rampant in this comic. I am just saying Joe Eisma need to keep working on his art work.
Overall this is a good comic, but there are things about this comic which keep it from being a great comic. Don’t get me wrong if I had to introduce a non reader of comic to the medium and say it’s more than just men/women in tights, I would direct them to a trade or comic issue of Morning Glories, but the issue just kept me from giving this book a 5.

Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 3 - Good


  1. Wierd I assigned a 3 for the art reluctantly, but it’s showing up as a 4.

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