Review by: KillTheG1mp

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Avg Rating: 2.7
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Story by Fabian Nicieza
Art by Pete Woods
Colors by Brad Anderson
Letters by Travis Lanham
Cover by Pete Woods & Brad Anderson

Size: 0 pages
Price: 2.99

Woah what did I just read? This isn’t newcomer friendly at all, what happened?

Seven heroes from the 31st century follow some guy to our time and try to prevent him from launching a virus but they are too late and the guy unleashes it anyways and they’re stuck here cause they might be infected… but… what else?

Aside from name dropping (and then some…) I couldn’t grasp who those characters were and why they needed to stop some bad guy from unleashing this deadly virus? So when two of them die I just didn’t give a fuck cause there wasn’t any development to speak of. I had high hopes for this title but what a disappointment from Fabian Nicieza whom I loved on Red Robin!

At least the artist on this is great and had this little je-ne-sais-quoi that made everything look “different”.

I had put this on my pull list but in two issues if I’m not more hooked I might just drop this title… It was below average and failed as a first issue in presenting the characters and trying to go too fast in so little time.

Story: 2
Art: 4

Story: 2 - Average
Art: 4 - Very Good

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