Review by: akamuu

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Writer: Bob Schreck
Artist: Nate Van Dyke
Cover: Tom Yeates, Frank Miller

Size: 32 pages
Price: 3.99

I have only ever made it through the first Jurassic Park movie.  The second one didn’t excite me, and it has that in common with this comic.

This issue involves a lot of catching up with the surviving characters from the movies.  And I’m not familiar enough with them to really care what they’ve been up to.  But it might be very interesting to a more hardcore Jurassic Park fan.

And, really, I think those are going to be the only real fans of this book.  What made the movie so universal was the CGI dinosaurs being scary.  Van Dyke’s dinosaurs look almost flatter than two-dimensional.  And the people, while looking more three-dimensional, aren’t really appealing either.  A lot of panels in this book look like a pixelated bitmap.

I hope there’s enough here to entertain those of you who were really excited for this.  Personally, I won’t be picking up any further issues.

Story: 2 - Average
Art: 2 - Average

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