Review by: ato220

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Avg Rating: 4.5
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Size: pages
Price: 2.99

In a continuation of the Rage of the Red Lantern story arc, Geoff Johns hits yet one out of the park.  I think that he is quickly becoming the Mickey Mantle of comics, never flashy or over zealous, but consistently great.

In this story we find our protaginist searching for the planet Ysmault, the homeworld of the Red Lanterns, to bring back a captured Sinestro to Oa for justice.  Hal is being trailed by the only two existing Blue Lanterns who seem to be bent on saving Sinestro. 

While there is no payoff to this book, it is quite the “Empire Strikes Back” in that it takes the reader for a ride that is enjoyable from start to last.  I enjoyed the flashback sequences that remind you yet again that Jordan and Sinestro were once good friends and that he is only doing what he believes is right for the Universe.  It allows the reader to question what is right in this world, and then blows it all to hell.  This ending is one to remember.  Buckle up kiddos, Blackest Night is on the horizon.

Flashback sequences

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 4 - Very Good

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