Review by: akamuu

Size: pages
Price: 3.50

Ugh.  I like to give new series a chance.  This one opens with Tweets.  And does that horrible flashback thing where it starts at the end and then a couple of pages later says “Three Hours Before” and then a bit later “Twenty Hours Before” etc.

It takes a gifted writer to make those conventions work.  Rucka did a pretty decent job with Stumptown.  But Nick Spencer is not Greg Rucka.

The dialog and Tweets in this comic are beyond annoying.  It felt like Phonogram, if Kieron Gillen had been pushed down a flight of stairs into a centrifuge, and then been asked to write the issue in fifteen minutes.

I did enjoy both Scott Forbes’s art on Story A, and Marley Zarcone’s work on Story B.  But overall, this was a failure of a comic to me.  I look forward to forgetting it as quickly as possible.

Story: 1 - Poor
Art: 4 - Very Good


  1. oh dear…

  2. Absolutely concur on the story. I was excited by this book when I read teh 2 or 3 preview pages. Now that I’ve read it, it will be RAPIDLY dropped. I did not like the art through the first portion, I liked the art in the backup(?) story nicely.

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