Review by: Tork

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Price: 2.99

Rick Remender is crazy, just out and about insane.  A while back, Josh mentioned a while back, Fear Agent seems to be about how much can be thrown at Heath Huston and, Good Lord, did they throw a doozy here.  The end of this arc doesn’t just grab you, but throws you to the ground, hits you with your dog, takes your wallet and kicks a hole in the wall on its way out.  There’s some predictabilty when it begins but Remender manages to take it a level of intensity that washes any linging doubts about this book.  I’m not even entirely sure what the next issue would be?  Was this more than meets the eye?  If not, how does this book come back from this?  Rick, you’ve got my money for the next arc.  This story’s ending hit all the rioght notes and left me wanting more Fear Agent for years to come.

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 5 - Excellent


  1. exactly. my favorite part about this book is asking myself "how is huston going to get himself out of this one?"

    this situation in particular will be interesting to see play out.

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