Review by: Neb
Story by William Harms
Art by Declan Shalvey
Colors by Matthew Wilson
Letters by Jared K. Fletcher
Cover by Greg Tocchini

Size: pages
Price: 3.99

It’s funny how this website plays a role in my purchases.  If it wasn’t for the fine folks at iFanboy, I probably would have looked this book over, despite being familiar with several folks on the creative team.  As usual, I was more than happy with my purchase.  William Harms doesn’t do anything overly amazing in the story department.  This is a pretty standard “bad guy goes on mission and is faced with moral dilemna story.”  What I love about this story, however, is that even though it covers a lot of the tropes, it was still immensely entertaining.  Of course, Crossbones is not sympathetic in the least, and just like he did in Thunderbolts, he does things that are far from heroic.  But the ending is very satisfying, with Crossbones taking the Snake Plisken route and delivering a big “fuck you” to his bosses.  It’s a lot of fun. The real star of the show is Shalvey’s art.  He brings a rawness to the page that works perfectly with the desolation and desperation of the story.  There’s one page in particular, which is splash page of Crossbones in the rain on a city street that sticks in my mind because of it’s gorgeous mood and composition.  This book is a visual treat for fans of Shalvey and his style.  Overall, I thought this was a great issue, and I found it to be great fun.

Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 5 - Excellent

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