Review by: akamuu

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Avg Rating: 3.5
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Price: 2.99

For a story that started with page after page of nakes superhumans fucking and snorting their way through through everyday hookers, this story has become incredibly dense.  In addition to the regular dynamic of The Boys vs. the supes, we’ve got the added wrinkle of Vic The Veep, and one of his security guards.  This particular issue focuses on the events surrounding 9/11 in the Boys Universe, and it’s handled deftly.

I love how Ennis can flip from Battlefields mode to fart joke in a single panel.  I really don’t think there’s anyone better at writing a fucked up story and making it feel important.    And McCrea and Burns, while not fracturing the humand minds with their talents, do an excellent job of working in facial grammar, particularly with Vic The Veep’s mouth.  They also do fantastic work with details in the background, and the bizarre uniforms of the heroes.

Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 4 - Very Good


  1. I’m still pulling this cuz I already have 1-3, I’m going back to tradewaiting The Boys though.  It reads so much better that way.

  2. I couldn’t even remember what was going on.  I might as well just wait until I have all six and read them straight through.  I’m tradewaiting The Boys from here on out.  It reads SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better that way.  I don’t care what anybody says.

  3. I also enjoy Boys in trade form, but I read it issue by issue just to keep up with the story.

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