Review by: DavidClark

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Written by Judd Winick
Art by Marcus To & Ryan Winn
Cover by Marcus To

Size: 32 pages
Price: 2.99

This was excellent. All Batwing fans should read it. Really, all fans of good comics should read it, but those who’ve been with Batwing from issue #1 will certainly get the most joy from it.

This character is just so damn interesting. Very fulfilling to experience David’s past and see his ‘street level’ crime fighting pre-Batman’s gift.

Personally, I would buy the Sh*t out of a Before-He-Was-Batwing series written by Winick that follows David’s story from freed child soldier to masked crime fighter on the streets of Tinasha. There just isn’t anything on the comic market that interesting. We get glimpsed of it here, and it begs for more coverage.

Winick knows how to write that part of Batwing’s story.

Seriously, this was the best 0 issue I’ve read so far (Animal Man, Swamp Thing, Earth 2).

(fingers crossed) I hope whoever replaces Winick explores that pre-armor era or at least uses the same tone. Good stuff.

And one word on the art…Marcus To really nails it, more so than before.

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 5 - Excellent


  1. I enjoyed this story a lot. This was my first Batwing read and I think it got me hooked…which of course is the whole purpose of the #0 origin issues. I also have recently back tracked with Red Hood and Outlaws and Teen Titans. I need to stop now.

  2. you’ll really enjoy the first 6 issues. The rest are of a mixed and varied tone. but worth picking up in trade or singles.

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