Review by: Neb

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It’s strange for me to be sitting here, thinking that Batman and the Outsiders #6 is a candidate for my book of the week.  But it was also strange for me to have opened the tub of spoiled cottage cheese even though I knew it was already bad.  But I did it anyway. And unlike the cottage cheese, this issue had a better pay off.

To say that Ollie Queen has taken this so-so comic and made it interesting, is an understatement.  This was the place where this character was born to be.  Ollie’s never been afraid of being on the outside of things, bringing in that different perspective.  It’s that spice about his character that makes him interesting.  So, for him, this team that covets being on the outside (I mean, it is their team name after all) is perfect.

With this issue, we find our team searching for Metamorpho, who found his way into a space ship that was being launched by our devious villain.  Throughout the story, we’re given hints as to what it is that’s going on, but much of the mystery is still in place, which is fine by me.  At the end of the issue, some serious stuff goes down…serious enough that the next issue is titled “Things go from BAD to WORSE!”  And all I can say is, “Shazbot!”

Another great aspect of this issue, and this series in general is that Batman is a total badass in it.  When Anissa hides from his view, you know why.  And at the very end, when Ollie tells the bad guys that they’d be lucky if Superman came to help him, we know why.  It’s because Batman is in charge, and he’s not afraid to put a boot in someone’s ass to make his point.

The pencils in this book have been great as they have a very kinetic feel to them without being overly sketchy.  Also, Rodriguez draws each character superbly, giving each one a distinctive look.  It’s great to see someone capture Ollie’s continuous smirk, and Batman’s cowl the way it should be drawn. And his characters are emotive and expressive, especially in the scenes with Metamorpho as he explores his surroundings in outer space.

I love this issue because it was just damn fun.  The writing was tight and had some funny moments.  The overall arc that’s forming here is interesting, and with this cast of characters, anything can happen, which makes it all the more enjoyable.  Hooray for good comics!

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 4 - Very Good


  1. This book has been nothing but spectacular every month.  I agree too that Ollie has kicked this book up a notch.  Also the art is phenominal in this book.  I loves it.

    Great review Neb. 

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