Review by: theWAC1

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Avg Rating: 4.4
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Story by Scott Snyder
Art by Greg Capullo & Jonathan Glapion
Colors by FCO Plascencia
Letters by Richard Starkings & Jimmy Betancourt
Cover by Greg Capullo, FCO Plascencia, Toney Daniel, Matt Banning, & Tomeu Morey

Size: 40 pages
Price: 3.99

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Story: 2 - Average
Art: 5 - Excellent


  1. “The idea that this charade by the Joker would somehow break the “Family” apart after all that they’ve been through was very hard for me to swallow. ”

    Me, too.

    ” … at the end of the day there was too much frosting and not enough cake”.

    Well said.

    Great review, and not just because I agree with you.

  2. Yeah, you said it better than I did. (I think my critical reviews of previous issues were more substantive, but with issue #16 I was just a bit tired of saying the same things over again.) So much of this stuff is shock value and so little of it is substance. The plot-logistics are often so twisted and torturous that they’d be better just left ignored, yet Snyder insists on rambling on and on and trying to explain everything, necessarily imperfectly. Bizarrely, however, only about 2% of readers are annoyed by these incongruous fact-dumps and bloated monologues.

    But you’re dealing with a readership that, by and large, didn’t even blink when Bruce randomly knocked out Dick’s tooth — the exact tooth that had an Owl symbol on it. A readership that then ate up the rambling explanation that of course Dick was a Talon because “Roman gladiators were often accompanied to the arena by acrobats”. That kind of elaborately nonsensical stuff goes over their heads months after month.

    Still, “Batman” is still often a “fun” read that’s certainly exciting and well-illustrated. Good point, though, about the lack of detail regarding where most of this issue was set. I’ve noticed before that Capullo, despite his massive strengths, sometimes overlooks simple details like establishing setting, and sometimes his action scenes aren’t choreographed well, leading me to wonder at times “How the heck did that character get over HERE when in the previous panel he was over THERE?”.

    But I guess all you really have to do is include a lot of shocking gruesomeness and a TON of wordy, self-congratulatory pretension to get five-star reviews. Who cares if this story is all a big long tedious sordid NOTHING when, why, there’s a Sherlock Holmes reference for readers to notice!

    • Ive said it before, you’ve done an excellent job reviewing this book. I’m happy that people have been excited about it, but I really can’t understand how. I chose to suspend believe for the Owls arc (the tooth, the underwater escape, a lot stuff with his “brother”) because the idea was actually really cool, and the adventure and mystery were exciting. Like you said it was a “fun” read. There was a detective story mixed with action. Good stuff. This arc wasn’t the same. The first issue was really good IMO, but then the Joker started explaining the storyline over and over, and all sorts of WTF? stuff started happening…you already know. I’m willing to give the Riddler a chance, but my fingers are staying crossed.

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