Review by: akamuu

Size: 0 pages
Price: 2.75

Atomic Robo is one of my favorite series currently coming out. Not my favorite indie series, or my favorite sci-fi series, or my favorite series involving a robot; It’s one of my favorites. When someone new to comics, or someone trying to branch out from the Big Two Superheroes asks for a recommendation, this, along with Chew and The Goon are my go-to-books. (Their friends and enemies will tell them about Hellboy, Sandman, Alan Moore, and Grant Morrison.)

Sadly, this issue of Real Science Adventures does not live up to my expectations for this book.

The serialized continuations from issue one, which I enjoyed, don’t have enough substance to them in this issue. They are clearly neither the beginnings of stories, nor the conclusions, and there’s not enough plot point in any of them to excite me for the next issue.

Clevinger is one of my favorite writers, but every good writer has off issues, and this appears to be his.

I’m also an enormous fan of Scott Wegener. His art sets a high bench mark, and since this side series is being pencilled, inked, and colored by others, I anticipated the art being the weakness of this title. It is not. Every story had five star art. I look forward to each of them collaborating with Clevinger in the future when he has more ideas to flesh out.

Story: 2 - Average
Art: 5 - Excellent

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