Pick of the Week Podcast

Pick of the Week #516 – Klaus #2

Show Notes

Crawling our way to the end of year, coughing along the way, we bring you the last Pick of the Week Podcast of 2015!

Running Time: 01:08:57

Pick of the Week:
00:03:00 – Klaus #2

00:10:15 – Superman: American Alien #2
00:16:21 – Squadron Supreme #1
00:21:27 – The Goddamned #2
00:26:20 – The Uncanny Inhumans #3
00:29:26 – Ultimate End #5
00:33:05 – Lucifer #1
00:40:44 – Sex #26
00:43:01 – Huck #2
00:44:27 – Phonogram: The Immaterial Girl #5
00:46:28 – The Wicked + The Divine #17
00:47:40 – Invincible #126

Audience Questions:
00:50:08 – Johnny M. writes in, after being re-born as a Star Wars fan and wants to know what’s next?

Best of 2015 – Books:
00:57:03 – The Pick of the Week 2015 By The Numbers

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“Fairytale of New York”
David Johansen, Bill Murray, Jenny Lewis and friends.


Get Involved

Doing the podcast is fun and all, but let's be honest, listening to the 2 of us talk to each other can get repetitive, so we look to you, the iFanboy listeners to participate in the podcast! "How can I get in on the fun?" you may ask yourself, well here's how:

  • E-Mail us at contact@ifanboy.com with any questions, comments or anything that may be on your mind.

Please don't forget to leave your name and where you're writing from and each week, we'll pick the best e-mails to include on the podcast!


  1. Secret Identities don’t work in this modern story telling world?
    Why not?
    Why would any superhero with a cadre of villians and enemies want their civilian identity known and who the people they care about are?
    The logic for secret identity will never go away in any climate.
    I wasn’t a super fan of convergence but like secret wars it had its side book moments for sure. And when it comes down to it all- it’s just not the giant dump on the carpet that ‘secret wars’ has been.

    Ron- please no more JESSICA! If it’s possible to find a way to say it creepier than Tennant – you’ve found it.

  2. I used to be jealous of people like Johnny M who are just experiencing Star Wars for the first time but as lonely as the dark times and as maddening as the prequel years were, they made me appreciate the originals that much more and at the end of the day I would change a thing.

    Welcome aboard Johnny M!

    And Happy Holidays Connor, Josh and Ron.

    P.S. please don’t die Connor and Ron I still laugh every time at “Jessica”

  3. If your website is seeing increased traffic, that’s just me checking every 4 seconds for the Force Awakens podcast.

  4. Hey Lads thanks for another entertaining year , best wishes for the holidays

  5. If Johnny M truly has only seen the Star Wars films then the next step would be where I got the next bit of my Star Wars knowledge as a kid…the toys.

    The only way we knew any of the names for most of the characters, ships or equipment was from the toys.

    The films never mention the word Ewoks, Bobba Fett isn’t named until just before Han knocks him off the skiff in Jedi, the list goes on and on.

    The toys really were the first dive into the greater Star Wars Universe.

    Also you could get the “Jedi Master’s Quizbook” which I read until the cover fell off.

    Boys…Happy Winter solstice! The days officially start getting longer, warmer and everything is beginning to be better again.

    Also you may need to make your 2016 New Year’s resolution the same as mine every year…”Don’t Die”

    The upside is by the end of each year you always feel successful.

    Thanks for helping kill the time.

  6. The Namor death didn’t get much mainstream press, but I saw it making the rounds the last few weeks and wondered, “Do people outside comics fandom even know who Namor is?”…

    Been loving the JESSICA!s, Ron. Don’t ever give it up. Whenever I need to laugh I’ll just listen to the closing moments of #515 where even Conor drops one to match you. I give that show C+, but you’re pulling into B- territory with every uttering of that name…

  7. Man- Hellcat #1 is going to be right up Ron- Connor and Paul’s alley.
    It’s like playiing board game girl talk with 90210 playing in the background.

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