iFanboy Video Podcast

iFanboy #62 – Comic Book Podcasting Panel at WonderCon 2008

Show Notes

The comic podcasting panel at WonderCon 2008 was a star studded event, especially at the podcasting panel which featured:

The panel was moderated by comics creator, Matt Silady and was 90 minutes in total, but we’ve distilled it down to the highlights, so that it’s like you were there!


Get Involved

Doing the podcast is fun and all, but let's be honest, listening to the 2 of us talk to each other can get repetitive, so we look to you, the iFanboy listeners to participate in the podcast! "How can I get in on the fun?" you may ask yourself, well here's how:

  • E-Mail us at contact@ifanboy.com with any questions, comments or anything that may be on your mind.

Please don't forget to leave your name and where you're writing from and each week, we'll pick the best e-mails to include on the podcast!


  1. It’s so wierd to put a face to all of the voices that I listen to on a weekly basis. With ifanboy, that’s of course not an issue but with these other shows it’s a bit odd.

  2. Man these weekly video podcasts with the mini are so damn awesome.

    The podcasting panel was interesting, especially the comments made about expanding a podcasts fanbase and what the future of the mom and pop stores are.

    I think Ifanboy is doing a great job with expanding and solidifying a fanbase, more so really than other podcasts and shows. Other shows seem to depend on their forum or refer to a topic during a show, but the best thing about ifanboy is there are so many different ways to comment and not just a "go to the forums" mantra.

    I definitely agree with the underlying message about itunes, a podcast really can’t just put up a show on itunes and hope that it will get noticed instead try building a site, and something more than a forum and rss feed for podcasts (ie. aroundcomics).

      and……Borders doing a comic store inside their store, wtf that’s insane!



  3. Guy’s Thanks for organizing this. Neseman said he had a great time. Sorry I couldn’t make it, perhaps next year. I’d also love to see the full 90 minute version someday, but I’m guessing the bandwidth would be a bit too much.

    As for the "new look" Borders, I have one near my home. Yes, the Graphic Novel section is nice and it looks more like an LCS in that vein, but overall it reminds me of a cross between a high end coffee shop and a modern city library with many workstations and reading areas for social gatherings. You would want to hang out there all day.

  4. Oh man, this was fascinating! I thought it was especially nice that you gave a shout out to the iFanbase, as we wouldn’t be here without your hard work and fantastic site. So cheers, fellas!

    The route you’ve taken with this site (iFanboy Mini, user pull-lists/reviews, etc) has put you leaps above other podcasting sites, and that’s meant with no disrespect to those folks. But you, and the iFanboy faithful, kind of single handedly got me into good comics.

  5. Hey guys great show (as always)!  The panel was very interesting and it’s really cool to hear about the other podcasts out there.  If my dance card wasn’t already so full with other podcasts, I would definitely check them all out.

    I also wanted to make the comment that Bryan brought up early on.  Even though I live in a major city, I followed my finance to where she was going to med school, thus leaving all of my comic friends and my LCS behind.  This leaves me with very few people to talk about with comics in my area.  iFanboy has been one of the reasons that I have stuck with comics.  It has given me an outlet that, often, my fiance is reluctant to fill.  I always appreciate all the hard work the guys put into the show, and I’m one of those people that always silently says, "Thank you, thank you, thank you…" whenever I put my headphones in and turn the iPod on.  Also, the community here rocks so hard, and I appreciate that everyone here is able to be so civil and cool all at the same time.

    So, Ron, Josh, Conor, and Gordon, thanks a million guys!  It really means a lot to us stranded comic book fans.

  6. HAHA, I really love how you can see Ron stretching his shoozies out from under the table at around 9 minutes in.

  7. @Neb – You called her your "finance"  Heh.  Doesn’t get more Freudian than that.

  8. @Josh- Ha!  Yikes.  It’s a good thing she doesn’t visit the site then. 🙂

  9. LMAO I CAN’T BELIEVE RON ADVERTISED JOKINGLY during the panel. I was thinking that at the beginning of the video "someone should advertise netflix or the email contact during the panel". Great commentary about the fanbase even though it’s the truth. Your strive to continue the podcast on time makes me strive to post more and read more comics.

    (ps: no one’s prolly seeing this post XD)

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