Don't Miss Podcast

DON’T MISS: Nightwing #9 with Kyle Higgins

Show Notes

Running Time: 00:18:02

The first major Bat-crossover event has kicked off with Night of the Owls, and Nightwing #9 is Dick Grayson’s turn to tackle one of the deadly Talons who has a direct link to his past. We chat with Nightwing writer Kyle Higgins about what Nightwing’s role is with the Bat family and during this crossover, as well as what the ramifications may be for Nightwing after the dust settles.

Nightwing #9
Written by Kyle Higgins
Art by Eddy Barrows
DC Comics

I’ll Meet You Out There
Owl City



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  1. Kyle seems like a cool guy!
    But just a head’s up, a big chunk of Nebraska got destroyed in BPRD. I guess nowhere is truly safe.

  2. Started reading a lot of DC books with the new 52, I’ve since dropped all of them except Action Comics, Batman and Nightwing. Really good quality stories, hope Higgins has a long run

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