Don't Miss Podcast

Don’t Miss: Get Jiro! with Joel Rose

Show Notes

Running Time: 00:16:23

Anthony Bourdain is well known in the food world, first for his years a chef in New York City, then as an author of books like Kitchen Confidential, and then as a TV host on the show No Reservations, but now Bourdain joins Joel Rose in writing the graphic novel Get Jiro! with art by Langdon Foss. Set in the near future in Los Angeles, the world has we know it is shot to hell.  Everything is broken down, save for one thing: Food. The new economy and celebrity is built around food and warring factions of corporate dining vs. vegans wage war while a sole hero and sushi chef stands in the middle.

We chat with co-writer Joel Rose about the origins of the graphic novel and what it was like to bring it all together in Get Jiro! as Bourdain and Rose craft an amazing world that comes to life thanks to Langdon Foss. It will have you forever questioning ordering that California Roll.

Get Jiro!
Written by Anthony Bourdain and Joel Rose
Art by Langdon Foss
160 pages/$24.99
Vertigo/DC Comics

“With or Without U2”


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