Don't Miss Podcast

Don’t Miss: A Once Crowded Sky with Tom King

Show Notes

Running Time: 00:19:39

Tom King didn’t write a comic book. He wrote a book. But it’s not a book about comic books. It’s a book that’s about what a lot of comic books are about: superheroes. In that book, he does have comics, drawn by none other than Tom Fowler, one of the resident geniuses in comics.

Before being an author, King held the following positions: intern for Vertigo Comics, assistant to Chris Claremont, CIA counterterrorism officer. Yes, those are all true. And yet now, he’s written the story of a world where the superheroes have all given up their powers, and become less magnificent, and more mundane. Clearly the skies are no longer crowded.

It’s a novel unlike any you’ve ever read before, but it’s not just a comic book story converted to prose. It’s also a much more beautiful package than a lot of novels you’ll see on the shelves.

A Once Crowded Sky
Written by Tom King
Art by Tom Fowler
326 pages/$26.00
Touchstone/Simon & Shuster

The Sky is Falling
Queens of the Stone Age


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  1. This sounds great! Really looking forward to reading this. Nothing beats a well designed book.

  2. Awesome concept! Tom sounds like a cool interesting guy. And holy crap that cover is gorgeous! I remember that Weekly Sketch-Up piece. I’ll be looking for this next time i’m at a book store

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