Comic Books


What could possibly make The Man of Steel decide to stop being Superman? Superboy and Supergirl catch up with him in Portland, Oregon, and they want answers!

Variant cover by JEFF SMITH

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 5.7%
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  1. Maybe we’ll get lucky and the rest of this story will be replaced with stock stories from 5 years ago.

  2. I want to get the variant Jeff Smith cover. Maybe in that one Superman will visit Bonesville.

  3. I have never had a series come along before where all of the creators involved were ones that I used to enjoy reading, and as a direct result from how dire this whole Grounded storyline has been, I can’t imagine myself picking up any of their work in the near future.

    Somehow Straczynski, Barrows, and Cassady managed to play off of each other to make something truly more horrific than any one of them was capable of on their own.

    I feel bad for Roberson for getting roped into this silly storyline.  I’d like to think I’ll try something of his again someday, I just hope there’s some space between then and the last Grounded issue. 

  4. i’m waiting for Supes to  finish his Forrest Gump jaunt round America so i can believe in him again

  5. @TomO  – I think most of the blame should fall on Didio or whoever manages DC creative hiring/direction. After all it was them who hired Straczynski, who pretty much squated and pooped on Superman’s chest for about 5 issues. Then Roberson had to come clean up the mess, which is hard because eventhough he could tell a lot better story, DC told him to keep squatting.

    I actually liked Straczynski’s Thor. Don’t boycutt Roberson, he is an awesome writer, pick up his iZombie and Starborn. Barrows has been better, but I like him when he has enough time and has a good inker.

  6. What could possibly make The Man of Steel decide to stop being Superman? The reboot what else!

  7. So I heard a rumor, that since the story takes place in Portland, that characters from Roberson’s iZombie will make an appearance…

  8. Only a reboot and renumbering to #1 can save this stinkfest. And this from the guy that if I could only buy two books it would be Action Comics and Superman. 🙁 sadface.

  9. Should there J. MICHAEL STRACZYNSKI be blacklisted from comic writing? Seems to me he has many more misses than hits.

  10. Maybe he needs to be imprinted with his original memories….would supes like a treatment?

  11. I had heard that Didio got the pitch from Stracynski’s and was kinda of shocked but thought it’s crazy enough to work. It was around the time of the Earth One Superman trade so maybe he thought, ” hey this was good, do your thing.”

  12. So let me get this straight:

    The Kitten scene from #712 which apparently ‘made the issue get cancelled’ to a degree was put into this issue?

    If that is the case then it shows that DC are run by cowards and didn’t have the guts to show another Muslim superhero in their comic. This should be a big deal people. 

  13. The pain… it hurts…

    Make it stop, Grant Morrison…make it stop.  Please? 

  14. Bought it for the Jeff Smith variant as well. Love it.

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