Word Balloon Podcast – SDCC: The 5th Annual Podcast Panel


For the fifth time the San Digo Comic-Con hosted a panel dedicated to comic book podcasts. Joining me on the panel were iFanboy's own Josh Flanagan, along with Jimmy Aquino (Comic News Insider), Brian "Pants" Christman (Comic Geek Speak), Bob Bretall (The Comic Book Page), and Cameron Hatheway (Cammy's Comic Corner).

The topics ranged from the most significant events in the last 5 years of the comics industry, a digital comics debate, the most impressive creators of the era, and where each host drew the line in terms of journalistic ethics, critiquing comics, and the podcaster's role in industry punditry.

Recorded Thursday July 22nd, 2010

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  1. The highlight of this panel discussion, I think, was the digital comics section which got a bit lively.

    If I recall correctly.

    I can’t be sure – I sat in the back row with Ron, Mike Romo, Ryan Haupt and Gordon the Intern and we spent a lot of time sending Josh dirty text messsages trying to throw him off his game.

  2. I wish we had more time to discuss the punditry role we all play, and hear what everyone thinks of the perception of it.

  3. Thanks for sharing John

  4. Great listen, Jon. Wish it was longer, it felt like you guys were only getting started.

  5. I completely concur with you John.  I have been listening to all the big comic podcasts since their debuts.  Over the years I have seen these shows shape and mold the hobby in ways that I don’t think many realize.


    the Tiki 

  6. I’ll have the video footage of the panel up in a few weeks.

  7. I’m gonna try and sneak onto this next year.

  8. Chris… we know a guy.

  9. This was great.  I’m so glad iFanboy and Word Balloon have joined forces.

  10. I look forward to hearing the audio from this panel every year. Thanks for taking the time to put on and record another! Wish the panel could have gone on for a longer time, sounded like they were trying to shuffle everyone out.

  11. Not only were we shuffled out, but they shut the doors, and didn’t let anyone else in after it started, and there were apparently a lot of people outside who tried to come in and were denied. Also, my mic was off.  But I was sitting next to the recorder, so you could hear me on this, probably better than the people there were.

    And yes, I got a lot of filthy text messages during the panel. At one point, I shut my phone off.

  12. To ensure I got good sound from everyone. I combined my on panel recording with John Mayo’s recording from the audience which I think balanced our voices. 

    Me Josh and Pants were loud and clear on my recording, while Cammy, Bob and Jimmy were louder on the mic recording. 




  13. Josh, that sounds like the theater scene in Inglorious Basterds. Maybe an upstart podcast was getting ready to take out all the competition! 🙂


    RE the mic: Yeah, I was wondering why you sounded so clear compared to the others. I just presumed it was b/c you all were recording it.