Weekly Sketch Up – 05.24.2013


Angel by Olivier Coipel



Venom by James Harren



Rocket Raccoon by Kyle Bice



Damian Wayne by Joe Quinones



Iron Man, Captain America, and Spider-Man by Rafael Grampa



Mister Miracle and Big Barda by Ryan Kelly



Superman by Dan McDaid



Magik by Phil Noto


  1. Love that Magik!

  2. It doesn’t matter how often I see it – I always read Damian Wayne as Damon Wayans.
    It’s a problem I have.

    • This statement is the best thing since Bat Cow that has made me care about that character. I’m sad he’s dead now. I want to read more stories with him but always replace him with Damian Waynes from like Beverly Hills Cop
      “Bruce, the buffet plate is $12.50. You get peaches, plums, oranges and bananas”

    • Sorry Damon Wayans from Beverly Hills Cop. See I’m already combining them! WOOT!

  3. Grampa!!!

  4. That Damian piece is a bit bad-ass… and best of all, he’s mine! I commissioned this from Joe before the Boston Comic-Con for pick-up at the show, but due to the terrorists, they re-scheduled the date. Rather than have me wait, he sent it out to us, (it’s really my Daughter’s commission).

    • That’s a nice looking piece. The Boston Con is probably my favorite weekend of the year and I can’t wait to stop by Joe’s table this year and see if he’s doing sketches there.

  5. That Superman piece is just it.

  6. the Rafael Grampa sketch is AWESOME!

  7. That Angel by Coipel. So haunting. Just look at his eyes. Greatest piece of this batch, in my humble opinion.

  8. Ryan Kelly is such an underrated talent. Everything looks great, good week!

  9. Wow love that Mister Miracle by Ryan Kelly.

  10. I love Rafael Grampa’s offbeat style. I could get into a series of him on Spidey, perfect Spidey head with the tight Ditko eyes, and that disposition on Cap’s shield angle is great, the wrinkles in his costume, texture…everything.
    Noto is one of my favorites as is and so is Magik, love it!
    And that’s gotta be one of the best Mr. Miracle and Big Barda sketches I’ve seen, inks jump off the page.