This American Life, X-Men, and Some Allreds

The stalwart Agent_M of Marvel tweeted this out not long ago.  It appears that the radio program and podcast, This American Life, is selling prints of this Mike and Laura Allred panel from Nation X #1.  There are 2000 available prints, sized 16" x 32" for the price of $22 each.  The panel is actually from the book, lettering and all.  

And honestly, if I didn't like Wolverine before, I'd like him now, because This American Life is just about the best thing on the radio, TV, internet, or wherever.  

That being said, I could do without the "Supernerds rejoice" bit.


  1. haha very nice.

  2. I like X-Men. I like This American Life. I like the Allreds. But I can’t imagine Logan listening to This American Life. I know it’s not the point of this article–because the print itself seems very cool to me–but putting that in a comic just seems like bad characterization to me. The writer really needed to do that? Sometimes I think the pop culture references just need to stop already. Have NBC sell a lithograph of J Jonah Jameson walking into 30 Rock…but don’t include something like that unsolicited in a comic just because you the writer are smitten with the media property and can’t stop thinking about it. A few years ago Mark Millar had Logan shockingly become a pacifist in an apocalyptic future, but what’s the excuse for Logan doing something out of character like listening to NPR? Maybe he could start wearing dapper clothes with prominent high-end yuppy labels on them, if those are what the comics creators working on his title happen to enjoy wearing.

    Don’t mind me, I’m just noticing something that’s totally unnecessary and out of character. I DO like the panel, though. I would have no problem if it just came out like that as a product and wasn’t strangely born out of a writer’s obsession. It’s like reverse product placement or something, but just as unnatural.

  3. @froggulper  I like the idea of it being a crappy old truck and the dial is somehow stuck and Wolverine is sitting there and he’s not happy, he’d like to listen to some Anne Murray or Rush or whatever it is Canadians listen to…

    But you know what? It’s starting to get to him, at first he thought it was a bunch of high minded hogwash, snooty intellectuals praising and pontificating on the value of everyday schlubs, but look at that furrowed brow, that distant look, something in Ira Glass’ thin voice is tugging at his heart strings.

    The best part is how uncomfortable I think Kurt looks, I mean, sure Wolverine and him are friends from way back, but it doesn’t mean they cry or have ‘moments’ in front of each other. In fact, that’s what he likes most about his time with Wolverine, it’s his chance to talk all raw about chicks and drink some beer and not worry about feeling al those feelings he’s always feeling, and that goddamn WBEZ Chicago has cock blocked his evening of macho posturing.

    Also, I’m not to fond of the border, but think the TAL and Marvel logos look nice together…

  4. I like This American Life even better than your show!!! BWA Ha HA!

  5. @petevaldez  So does Josh.

  6. It make perfect sense to me that Logan would listen to This American Life in one of his few quiet moments. He’s been around a while, he knows shit from shinola.

  7. wait… nightcrawler is back? I thought he died!

  8. Radiolab > This American Life 

  9. @NawidA They’re different shows. But without TAL, there is no Radiolab..

  10. @josh  REAL TALK.

  11. I have this comic. Liked the stories in it, loved the inclusion of This American Life (because that IS what you listen to on road trips; it’s fucking perfect for them).

    That said, my feelings on Allred’s art are similar to Ron’s (and a lot of other people’s) feelings on Greg Land.

  12. @froggulper  I find the comment “out of character” odd. considering that in just about every wolvie comic that isn’t him kicking butts you learn he likes some very eosteric and deep things.

    If you want to get down to it, wolvie is the penultimate “everyman”, with claws.

  13. The official word from James Asmus is Kurt was the one to tune in. Logan let it play because he turned out to like it.

    I wonder which episode it was? My guess: Middle of the Night. You know Logan loves him some Chick-Fil-A.