The Best of the Week in Twitter – 05/05/2010

Questionable Advice.

Nathan Cosby (@Nathan_Cosby) Hey kids! Make EVERY day Free Comic Book Day! Steal stuff!

Resistance is Futile

Dennis Calero (@DennisCalero) no ice cream, you cannot rent space inside my belly. that apt has been rented by diet coke and lean cuisines. lovely ice cream. NO!

No point in going now

Tom Fowler (@tomfowlerbug) a throat infection just in time for TCAF? shucks. i guess that means no more open mouth kisses for my fans.

The cookie… it *knows*

Chris Samnee (@ChrisSamnee) "The limit to your abilities is where you place it." Thanks, Fortune Cookie. That's just what I needed after this especially long day.

It would explain the attitude.

Ryan Stegman (@RyanStegman) I think the Punisher should have backne because you know if that mofo was real he'd be doing all kinds of steroids.

Direct language

Kieron Gillen (@kierongillen) Writing 3 issues of synopsis. Got as far as "And there's a big fight". I'm the new Alan Moore, me.

Just gimme a Pepsi Free.

Paul Tobin (@PaulTobin) Just figured out the secrets of time travel, but then went back in time to before I did. Damn it.

Business casual wear

Matt Sturges (@matt_sturges) These Dell employees next to me at Starbucks are talking about "harnessing social media." Good luck with that, guys.

Living the dream

Cameron Stewart (@cameronMstewart) Every so often I realize that I am somewhat chummy with guys like Dave Gibbons and Jim Lee and my mind reels. Wish I could go tell me at 13

Cheering servicemen


Do they wear skinny jeans and Converse too?

Scott Chantler (@scottchantler) Reading some recent superhero titles, I'm alarmed at how much the characters all talk like surly, 20-something comic book writers.

He's not wrong.

Erik Larsen (@ErikJLarsen) The Creeper by Steve Ditko hardcover is outstanding. This may be Steve's artistic peak. This is good stuff.

And now he owes the omelette child support

Adam Beechen (@sonnova) Sat one booth over from Larry King @ breakfast this AM. In a little over an hour, he proposed to 7 waitresses and someone else's omelette.

Meat thermometer, soldering iron, kitchen magnet…

Jason Latour (@jasonlatour) My next gig requires me to think about household items that could be used to kill a man. Fortunately I already had a daily mental check list

The more things change…

Ed Brubaker (@brubakerBought new books from Clowes, Bagge, Jeff Smith. Like the 90s again, but books are 4 times as long and five times the cost.


James Robinson (@JamesDRobinson) Reading Matt Fraction's Iron Man. Jeez, that guy is great writer. Bastard. Hope he slips in the shower.

What's the money for exactly?

Gail Simone (@GailSimone) I would like to announce my amazing discovery of an angel last night. My husband says it's a raccoon, but what does he know? Send money.

But a small sample.

Tony Harris (@TONYFINGHARRIS) As someone on the creator side of things…… I wanna make a LASTING contribution to this industry that I LOVE.

Tony Harris (@TONYFINGHARRIS) Listen, All's i'm sayin' is that we can't keep terlling the same stories over and over. Can we? As a creator, do you wanna be known..

Tony Harris (@TONYFINGHARRIS) ….( when you are dead) as the 415th guy to draw Batman, or the guy who created HELLBOY??!! no Brainer.


  1. Tony Harris has been outstanding on Twitter this week. I mean, like, the stand-up-and-cheer sort of outstanding.

  2. Oh, Drunk Hulk…you singlehandedly make twitter worthwhile.

  3. Yeah, Tony Harris has become the Conan of comics for a week. Everyone will stand up and cheer for him, but will we watch/buy when it’s on the table? I hope so.

  4. I always feel bad when I finish these Best of Twitter and realize I didn’t read a single one of Josh’s comments. Sorry Josh.

  5. I’m currently harnessing social media.  It’s not so tough.

  6. The Tony Harris quote is brilliant. Too bad its made much more difficult to figure out by the asinine twitter character count.

  7. It’s not asinine. It’s what Twitter is. Imagine if everyone did that all the time? It’d be overload. There’s an art to it.

    Dude could have done a blog post and linked to it.

    Also, my comments are awesome. You blew it.

  8. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    I love the Twitter 140 character limit. Makes you more creative. 

  9. josh–i really just have a severe love/hate with twitter. Thats my opinion. Sorry for coming off the wrong way but I always feel like i’m walking into a room and hearing a snippet of a really interesting conversation. I get why its important to the universe, I just hate that it splits up complete thoughts and how its changing language and communication, but thats an entirely different conversation.

    I actually really love this column because you wrangle up great stuff that I just don’t have the patience or ability to follow "in the wild". 

    Back to the topic, I do think The Tony Harris quote was really and is something the industry as the whole should really listen to.  


  10. Irony = snark about Twitter’s character length preventing real communication, done in < 140 characters. Also: Drunkhulk. Always. Funny.

  11. I love that Gillen tweet.

  12. James Robinson’s tweet made me choke from laughter.

  13. Drunkhulk stumbles home and puts on the radio and finds himself singing along to…Cher??  FANTASTIC!!