Spotlight: Joshua Luna’s Whispers #1

This week, writer/artist Joshua Luna strikes out on his own for an all new psychological horror series from Image. With the chilling Whispers #1, he does big brother and frequent collaborator Jonathan quite proud, and we think you’ll dig it too.

Our boy Sam’s got some issues. Already late for a friendly gathering at a local coffee shop, he’s petrified by the prospect of touching a public door handle. But this isn’t just that fleeting moment of weakness so common to any of us who just rented Contagion. His mind over-clocks, sending him through a nightmare scenario of relentless protozoa, dire illness and death.

Dude. Chill.

Sam eventually makes it inside, playing shadow to a pair of less-paranoid patrons. But when he joins his group to comfort a female friend in need, the guy remains fixated on his own anxieties. See, last night Sam had a dream. Not about pathogens or infection, but about his friends. And what they thought and did in the night. It weighed heavily on him, making him late for this brunch. Because Sam’s pretty sure it wasn’t a dream at all.

And he may be right.

You can never be too sure.

Sam’s about to find out more about his friends than he probably ever wanted. And for a guy with such control issues and anxiety about life’s unbridled potential for disaster, the power he’s about to be given could really cause some damage.

Luna offers up a terrific new ghost story about manipulation, fear and hidden desire. The characters are stunningly beautiful on a surface level. But once you go tunneling, you find that the reality is far more cruel. It’d be one thing if an ordinary guy suddenly realized he could tap into the thoughts of his friends and loved ones. But you may recall, our boy Sam’s got some issues…

Out of body, out of control.

Check in on the ground floor because this is only gonna get weirder. Highly recommended.

How’s about a preview of Whispers #1, available now on Graphicly.




  1. Just recently got into the Luna brothers – tore through The Sword and Girls over the last few weeks. Already enjoying Whispers.

  2. Can someone who has read this give me a rating? I can’t seem to find if this is 17+ or not.


  3. I saw this on the shelf, picked it up…. then put it back. That was a stupid thing I did. Looks like I need to make a special trip to the LCS.

  4. I really enjoyed this book, glad I picked it up.

  5. I really enjoyed this too! The Luna Brothers are a really solid creative team and i’ve enjoyed everything they’ve done so far. Its got a great interpersonal character driven story with a unique supernatural twist. after the last few pages im really interested to see where this will go.I hope more people check this out. Chalk another one up to Image, they’ve quickly become my favorite publisher and have kept my interest in comics afloat during what i feel is pretty rocky time for the big two.