Post Coital Thor LIVES!

Over on her blog, iFanboy Member (and winner of the Meet Stan Lee at NYCC contest) Sheli Hay has posted a bunch of drawings depicting our newest favorite recurring character, Post Coital Thor, who made his first appearance in the Pick of the Week Podcast #264!

Here are just a couple; there are lots more on her blog:


Thanks, Sheli!


  1. These made me laugh! Thanks Sheli!

  2. “This not relationship” made me laugh out loud, and in real life. Major kudos, Sheli.

  3. “Thor just got out of bad relationship, Thor no want Strings”

  4. When this eventually gets turned into an ongoing series (and it should), you should do the art, Sheli.

  5. That is excellent!  Post-coital Thor may be my favorite meme ever.

  6. Awesome!

  7. If only we could somehow mix this with #marvelcats ….. over to you twitterverse.

  8. Thor cometh!

  9. What mean you? Am Thor sponge-worthy?

  10. @ato220 – that effin’ cracked me upth.

  11. Hrmmm…Thor talks like The Hulk? Don’t get me wrong, it’s funny but Thor talking like the Hulk takes away from it for me…

  12. It not you, it Thor

  13. “Thor sorry, Thor usually have better aim. Odin warned Thor about not hitting eyes.”

    “Thor have latex allergy. Asgardians not have rubber.”

    “Call Thor your All-father.”

    “This never happen to Thor before. It all Loki’s fault.”

    Post-coital Thor is easily my favorite joke of the year. I could do this all day.

  14. Credits gotta go where it’s due: None of these sayings were concocted by me. There were all done by our lovely iFanboys. I just dressed ’em up a bit. Either way, I appreciate the kind words!

  15. I now imagine the voice of that guy from the end of this week’s podcast over all these.

  16. “Thor want you to say hi you to the original mighty mjolnir”

  17. “Thor would give you ride home but goat-chariot only have room for one.”

  18. “Thor is feeling more of a friend-vibe with you.”

  19. What the heck is with this dialogue. It’s Thor!… Not hulk! Thor doesn’t talk like a dumbass.

  20. @oopsxlandmine You haven’t listened to the Pick of the Week show lately, have you?

  21. No worry Oops, Thor not listen either. Thor busy being Pepper Potts’ revenege lay.

  22. sadly i haven’t.. i usually only listen to the first part wherein the #1 book is discussed. My appologies. Please enlighten me.